

Martha Benkendorf is a native of Leipzig, Germany. At secondary school she was enrolled in the specialized music track at the Latina "August Hermann Francke" in Halle (the former Spezialschule für Musik Leipzig) and graduated with Music as her major subject. In 2012 she completed her university studies at the Dresden College of Music majoring in Orchestral Bassoon, Eurhythmics, and Music Education. Alongside working professionally, she studied Music Theater Educational Outreach (Musiktheatervermittlung) for two years at the Mozarteum University Salzburg. She is currently active in Leipzig as a freelance orchestra musician and music teacher for bassoon, piano, early childhood music, instrumental ensembles, and music in the public school system.

In the area of educational and community outreach, she worked for a year at the Leipzig Opera, and in October 2020 she was appointed to a lectureship in Educational Music Outreach at the Dresden College of Music.


  • B.A. in Orchestral Music Bassoon
  • Teacher certification in Music Education for Bassoon and Eurhythmics, Diplom Degree
  • Event Management, Chamber of Commerce (IHK)
  • Academic specialist for Educational and Community Outreach in Music Theater, Mozarteum University Salzburg
  • Certified moderator for interpreting scenes from music theater

Post-graduate & Advanced Professional Training:

  • Yamaha Academy of Music: Education seminar
  • 9th International Eurhythmics Workshop: "Rhythm and Language"
  • Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts, Rhythmics Congress: "Bewegte Zeiten"
  • Con Spirito Fortbildungen: Children's dance, 2nd-year MFE, Solution-focused communication, Fagottino: an opportunity with prospects, Ensemble performance, etc.
  • Landesamt für Schule und Bildung: Professional Teaching Methods for Elementary School Music
  • Opportunities in Theater Pedagogy
  • Solfegè, the Dalcroze method
  • Making music with the disabled
  • TaKeTiNA: advanced training in rhythmics
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